Monday, July 28, 2008

How does your garden grow?

A little over a month now has passed since I transplanted my tomato plants (again) to their current location. They're doing quite well - nearing four feet tall. My goal is grow tomatoes as large and bountiful as Mike Roberts who lives on 1000 West. His grow upwards of six feet tall. The trick is to get the tomatoes to into a seven day watering schedule. Years previously, we'd water the garden daily or every other day, but according to Mike. Roberts, tomato plants do better with one good watering a week.

We also have a cabbage plant that has grown to the size of a small Volkswagon bug. Okay, that might be a slight exaggeration, but it's getting quite big. I'm sure it's past harvesting, so we'll just keep growing it to see how big it gets. We have two other cabbage plants that we'll harvest and take inside to stare at until one of us feels compelled to Google a recipe that includes cabbage. If you have a recipe for cabbage, please send it over. We tend to get an assortment of seeds for veggies that we don't eat from primary and school. Those darn tithing and tax dollars at work! Arrghh!


Carrie and Jon said...

Your garden looks awesome! I'm so impressed. Jon and I always have great tomatos, because we just forget to water them- and that's what they like. I think that we've watered ours a total of 3 times this entire year, and we've been eating tomatos for weeks. I love the cabbage. I'm not a huge fan of eating it, but I think it looks beautiful. (A few years ago the Ogden temple planted it around in their flower gardens just for decoration.) I know, crazy garden stories... I happen to know a bunch!

Amy B. said...

I have some recipes...Chinese Chicken salad and Vegetable soup...Yum!