Sunday, July 27, 2008

Staples are out!

After 34.5 minutes of tears, kicks, a sucker, a "Cars" movie and screams of bloody murder, all it took was less than one minute to pull the 3 staples out of Fox's head. Alan had planned on pulling them out because I was a wimp, but because I am a wimp, I couldn't hold my poor son still enough to allow Alan to pull out the staples. We tried every coaxing in the book, but Fox had it in his head that he was not going to ever get the staples out of his head. We were ready to throw him on the bed and hold him down with all 3 other kids to help us, when Fox finally relented to let me pull them out. Alan held him close and pop, pop, pop. They were out. Fox hardly felt a thing. Next time, I'll wait until the kid is asleep. And as Amy said, it was pretty cool...not that I am wishing for any more staples in my childrens' heads to take out. If any one needs a medical stapler remover in the future, I've got one.


trentmans said...

Way to be tough, Fox! Way to be tough, Brenda!

PS - I've always liked your hair.

Amy B. said...

34.5 minutes huh...couldn't of just rounded that one up? Just kidding...I'm mat at Fox for not letting me do it...I was so looking forward to it!