Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finally planted!

I just finished planting my 400th bulb, but who's counting? Today it only took several hours and digging up several chunks of cement along with one nearly full size brick (I love how contractors like to hide what they are to lazy to throw away), a set of sore hands and not one, two, three or four, but FIVE charley horses! I hope Alan will be satisfied with the results in the spring, otherwise he may force me to plant twice as many next fall. Or, how about I make him plant them next time so he understands the tedious and sometimes painful process.

Note to self: Next time wear the garden shoes I bought for this purpose, instead of my work shoes. Arrgh!


Amy B. said...

Yummy Banana Pie...Thank You!!!!

lehiharmers said...

can you come plant mine? now with the cold weather, i'm not sure how much i am going to get done.