I had finished the front yard and was working on the backyard when I heard a yell over the loud mower engine. I looked over to Alan and saw him in the corner of the garden on his back. I could tell by the sound of his voice that he was in pain. I ran over to him where I asked him what happened. He said something to the effect of "it gave out". I thought he was referring to his back until I looked down at his knee. It looked bad and his kneecap was definitely fully on his left side of his leg. I knew I couldn't move him and as he writhed in pain, I ran into the house where I found his phone and called 911. A little frantic, I gave our address to the dispatcher who called it into Syracuse Fire/EMT.
As soon as I was done calling 911 Alan requested that I take some photos. Yes, he was in tremendous pain but he had the where-with-all to ask me to take some pictures. I snapped a few, ran back in the house to tell the kids to get dressed and wait out front to direct the ambulance to the backyard. They arrived within a few minutes and put Alan in a split to move him.
I rode in the front of the ambulance and Alan asked the EMT's if riding in an ambulance would give him any preferential treatment at the hospital or whether he would still have to wait hours before seeing a doctor. They assured him that he would get right in. When we arrived I was waiting for the big scene like in the movies, but there was none.
It took 3 tries to get the I.V. line in Alan and we were both frustrated at the time that it was taking. After Dr. Bass looked at the knee he decided to knock Alan out before putting it back in. We were both relieved. It took just a few seconds, and I was not allowed to watch.
Alan will now have to be in an "immobilizer" for a week and we'll then follow-up with an orthopedic to determine how everything is healing. Anyone know a good one?
What I saw when I got to Alan
Alan's vantage point
Just before Dr. Bass popped it back in.
We send a big thank you to:
1) Amy Barton who despite being so early in the morning took the kids to her house,
2) Our neighbors the Whites for finishing mowing our lawn
3) Syracuse fire who responded quickly and professionally
4) My brother Ray who quickly came over to take the kids and picked us up from the hospital
4) The folks at Davis Hospital who finally got Alan the drugs he needed
5) Dr. Bass who decided to knock Alan out and popped the kneecap back in place
6) Everyone else who expressed their concerns and offer of help
All of that and it's only 2pm. So sorry to hear about Alan's knee the pictures are unbelievable. Hope he's not in too much pain and that he heals quickly!!!
Yeah for Alan calling in the camera...sweet photos!!! Looks painful though...
Ouch!!! Scott Jackson is the best orthopedic in the world (we think so any way)! He's in Provo, but it may be worth the trip. He did my husband's knee, as well as two of my sisters knees, and my brother's shoulder. He is highly recommended. Good Luck!
Totally gross. Nice pics.
Holy cow. That looks nasty. Poor Alan. Hopefully it heals quickly. You guys need to be covered in bubble wrap over at your house.
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