Friday, August 22, 2008

Tooting Dylan's Horn

As you all know, I'm pretty adamant about my kids being thought of as individuals rather than a collective group. I do my best not to compare them to each other. Some do better in certain subjects and sports than others do. However, this is one time I am especially proud of Dylan. Last year he hated reading and was staying consistently at about grade level, but getting him to read was like pulling teeth. Alan and I decided over the summer that we would enroll him in a reading course that was held at Weber State. It was very expensive (almost $400 after the cost of books) and so we couldn't put all of our kids in it. As he took the class we didn't see any dramatic improvements and wondered if we wasted our money. But then we noticed a significant change. Dylan would pick up a book without being asked. He would read without being forced, and he was excited to tell us what he was reading about! Then we picked up the first Harry Potter book, and despite my initial concerns over the vocabulary, it was a hit! He now is reading above grade level and has even surpassed one of the girls. Way to go Dylan!

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