Saturday, July 26, 2008

Need A “Girl-ly” Pill … or a Shaved Head

I totally wigged out on Alan as we were getting ready to head out the door today. As mentioned in a prior post, I’m not good at leaving the house on outings with the family. Being a man, and not able to read my mind, he was totally confused. As I lay on my bed not wanting to get back up, I realized what was stressing me out. It’s the hair thing. I really hate hair. Lately, with a passion. Why? Because it’s simply a waste of time, and I see it as a competition among women – one of course that I would never win. The last few weeks I’ve seriously considered shaving my head. As I mentioned this to Alan he got a somewhat worried look on his face and said, “Like Sinead O’Conner or Brittany Spears? Weren’t they both thought of as going crazy?” Enough said. I replied, “Then I think I just need a girl-ly pill”.

What I mean by this is that I would like to take a pill that will enable me to magically be able to do both of my girl’s hair all cute and fancy, and wake up in the morning and not dread what to do with my own hair.

Some women are just born with this girl trait. I look at all the cute girls with their mothers, and think… “I just can’t do it.” I rarely have an ounce of desire to ever do anything fancy with my own hair, but since I feel some compulsion to help my girls look somewhat in fashion…I occasionally attempt to help them. This is hard when I see the hair thing as a competition. Luckily I have the excuse that I go to work at 6 am, and Alan is in charge of getting the kids out the door.

As the kids are leaving for school one day, Alan snaps this photo

So, hopefully my girls learn real soon how to do their own hair, and the strong pull to shave my own head will soon dissipate. Until then, I think the ponytail is a fantastic invention, and I’ll cling to the excuse that many bright people never felt the need to do anything with their hair – ie. Albert Einstein. Now, what about the bright women? Can you think of any that didn’t do their hair? Actually, can you think of any famous bright women at all? Argghh! That sends me in a whole different rant. Better saved for another day.


lehiharmers said...

that is a great pic of the kids
i have seen some pretty cute pictures of your kids-- and as you have already posted, you have good genetics, they are all adorable and they don't need (nor do you) to have 'good hair'. every time i see you - you've updated to the newest style:)
the ponytail is my fav

Carrie and Jon said...

I have to say that you are one of those families that I look at and think, "Oh, look how cute they all and everything!"