Thursday, June 19, 2008

You know your married to a mathematician when...

As we were driving to Brenda's mom's house, Brenda starts to laugh - one of those laugh to yourself at your own inner-dialog moments. I pressed to know what was so funny to which she admitted that she was "such a geek." Apparently during an earlier seven minute period of time, she not only counted the number of times I cleared my throat, but also turned that into a fraction so she could calculate the average length of time between throat clearings (about every 40 seconds).

So, besides the fact that you now know that I have a scratchy throat, you also have enough information to work out this story problem. How many times did I clear my throat? Please show your work in the comment section.

Calculators are not allowed (Brenda did it all in her head).


Amy B. said... I right?

Brenda said...

Pretty dang close! It was 11 times in 7 minutes. Which works out to be once every 38 seconds, but I tend to round my answers when calculating in my head.

Amy B. said...

Whatever...I so got that just think your smart...HaHaHa...