Sunday, June 22, 2008

A Path Emerges

It was a long hot and productive Saturday for us. Alan picked up a compacter and a cubic yard of sand at 9 am and the work commenced on our path/garden area. Here are some of the pictures showing it's progress. We both finished the day at about 9:30 pm with all of the path complete, except for the circle at the end. We will need to do one more flagstone run and hope to have it all done on Monday evening. Today Alan and I are both sore and sunburned, but it was definitely worth it!


Amy B. said...

We are very impressed...I love the way it looks. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Holly said...

Looks great! We still need to put in a flagstone path from our driveway to the backyard. You'll have to fill us in on how to do it. Are you planting flowers/plants along the path or veggies?

Brenda said...

Eventually we will get to the flowers and plants. It is too hot to really plant much now and with the trip to Minnesota...we plan on waiting until the fall. We hope to eventually turn much of the area to shade with some nice trees, etc.