Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Last Week of School

I'm going to sound mighty old here, but since when did the last week(s) of school become a week(s) of parties? Here's the lowdown of what's going on in CDE's classroom this week:

Last Wednesday - Field Day. I do remember this day with fear and trepidation in elementary because I was a TERRIBLE three legged race runner and nobody wanted to pick me as their partner. Now days, the kids just get soaked to the bone, and I'm even told that some years the fire department shoots water all over them.

Last Thursday - Read-a-thon. Really what's the point now? You've filled the kids up with so much excitement and sugar that there is no way they are going to spend the day reading! It sounds to me more like time for the teacher to finish grades.

Monday - The kids reported that they did some science.

Tuesday - Dylan reported he learned about catching butterflies. Apparently the white ones (moths) are pretty rare?

Wednesday - Field Trip Day. The kids are going to a movie in the new Syracuse theater. This will be followed by playing in the park, eating their pizza lunches and building ice cream sundaes. I'm supposed to provide toppings and although I'm not "required to", the kids can bring money for concessions at the movie theater. Whatever. My poor kids are getting none of that - especially if it's followed by pizza AND ice cream! I know, I'm a terrible Mom and will probably hear about it later...

Thursday - AR Party (ie. Water Party). The kids need to again wear clothes that can get wet. Their teacher is bringing a slip and slide.

Friday - Game day. Guess how guilty I feel about pulling the kids out of school this day. Zero guilt.

Now, I once taught junior high, so I know that that last day or two of school is often a waste, but at least I tried to do something productive - like doing human graphs based on equations. Now I really sound like a fun teacher, right? Alan is even more livid about the kids productiveness than I am. But, ahh what is a parent to do - run for PTA president? Now that would be a crazy idea, and thus we just grin and bear it.

1 comment:

trentmans said...

It's the same thing here. Pretty much the last 5-7 days of school are a waste. It comes down to just holding school so they can get the federal dollar... not for teaching anything. Because I'm a curmudgeon about this, I give my kids the option of going to school or staying home. Take that and lose that little bit of Fed. money!