Thursday, November 6, 2008

You know when you're married to a nerd when...

she does mathematics to decorate a birthday cake.

Fox's birthday is tomorrow so Brenda made him a cake. He asked for one shaped like a star. Brenda had the option of going out and buying a cake pan shaped like a star or she could make cake and cut it into the desired shape.

She chose to cut the cake, but being a perfectionist she performed some rudimentary geometry to get five equal points on the star using a pentagon with 3 inch sides and determined the radius of the circle that she would use in order to create the perfect star.


trentmans said...

Jaron and I read this together and all we can say is "WOW"! Oh that Jay and I could be so nerdy. Maybe I'd be able to help him with his math or maybe he wouldn't need my help in the first place! It's a beautiful cake!

lehiharmers said...

Wow. I just aim to not have the cake burnt.

Amy B. said...

Yeah, she's a dork...but the cake looks great!!!!