Thursday, November 20, 2008

Body Worlds with my Mom

Yes, the tickets are a bit pricy, but the exhibition Body Worlds 3 was very interesting and worth the money paid. If you haven’t heard about it, a man named Gunther von Hagans back in the 70’s invented a process called “plastination”. Basically he found a way to preserve the body by vacuuming out our fat and liquid and injecting all of our body parts (dead mind you) with either plastic, or other materials that preserve the shape and even the color of the parts. Ok, so that description may not be medically accurate, but you get the idea.

Anyway, my mom and I took a day off on Wednesday and headed down to The Leonardo in SLC to take a look. Way back in my college days I was totally interested in the brain and how it functions and considered becoming a brain surgeon (yes I’m being serious), but alas I decided to study how the brain things about math instead. Anyway, I took an awesome anatomy and physiology class from Dr. Anderson at USU. It was an extremely hard class but I’m always open to a challenge, and boy did I come out with a lot of knowledge. However, book knowledge is one thing, but to see how things actually look in the body is amazing.

This is what I walked away with…a respect for my body and a desire to grow my heart to near the size of Lance Armstrong. I’m amazed and in awe that we are so complex and that so much detail can fit into our relatively small bodies. And yet, I know that what I saw is just what is visible to the naked eye. The detail goes much much deeper than that.

If you have the chance and some extra dollars laying around, take a gander. Oh, but be warned there was one exhibit that shook me up a little. There are fetus’ of all gestational ages. Heartbreaking – especially having gone into labor at 18 weeks, and almost losing my three babies.


Amy B. said...

so how much is it? Chris and I are really wanting to go but don't even know what the prices are...

Brenda said...

$22 per person. I had a coupon for $3 off each ticket. Of course if you buy online or over the phone there is a convenience charge ($2.50 per ticket), which I have to say is a ridiculous invention!

Holly said...

Wow! This is not an exhibit fit for everyone. In college we had a cadaver lab for my biology class; when they pulled back the skin on the head exposing the brain I fainted. Total collapse. Clearly I don’t share your same fascination in anatomy. Interesting though… if you like that sort of thing.

trentmans said...

I think the fetal development exhibit should be displayed at every abortion clinic. Call me a fanatic.