Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Any Facebook Fans?

After much coaxing from a friend, I joined Facebook. She joined several months ago along with her husband and I think she just wanted me to join so that she could show her husband that she had more friends than he did. She now has over 100 friends. Why did she need me to join?

The whole micro-blogging is tough to wrap my head around, and the whole "friend" thing is blowing my little social mind. Soon after joining, I got a few "friend" requests. I looked at their names and drew a blank. I had to do some digging around to figure out who these people were. I figured with my terrible memory it is quite possible that I was good friends with these people at some point in my life. I looked at the first guy, who I graduated with, who requested my "friendship". He had 504 friends. Seriously, does he really want to get reacquainted with me, or just pad his "friend" number? The second request was a "friend" of Alan's and another "friend" of mine, but I don't remember her at all. I can only see these loose kind of relationships as only selfish. I believe her reason was she was marketing herself and her stay at home job. I declined their requests and felt "mean" for a few moments. Despite how the digital age is progress, I prefer to make my friends the old fashioned way.

As you all know, I am an introvert. I may not be best friends with all of my friends, but you should know that I appreciate the friendships I have with you. I really do make a terrible friend, so anyone who can put up with my bizarre introverted behavior (such as my fear of making phone calls) is truly appreciated and if you do request my "friend"ship on Facebook, I promise not to decline it!


Luci said...

Brenda, Congrats on joining Facebook...I would never have enough friends if you weren't on Facebook. Besides, now you can track my every bizarre moods every day!!

PS-Thanks for being my 109 friend...And yes, I have more than Mike. YEESSSS!!

trentmans said...

I, too, reluctantly signed up for a facebook page only after one of my dearest friends requested me. Have I done a single thing to it since? Have I even gone to it since? My teenage daughters feel it is "just wrong" for grownups to have a facebook page... maybe it is. I think I line up behind Brenda - I'll make and keep my friends the old fashioned way. Don't be offended if you don't get an invite to be my friend on Facebook - I'm not sure I'll get back to it.