Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Mmm! Crow with a side of humble pie, please.

Right now, Brenda is mowing the lawn. The reason she's mowing the lawn is because she's more of a man than I am. Yes, I have accepted that she has more muscle definition in her arms than I do, but that's another story.

Yesterday afternoon, the mower choked and died. I told her I'd take a look at it later (meaning probably Wednesday). So today, I went out and pulled the cord, checked the spark plug, looked under the mower for obstruction, added more oil, checked the gas levels and air filter, but I still couldn't get it working.

I returned inside and said that my plan was to walk across the street and offer a neighbor kid some money to mow our lawn while our mower was in the shop. Brenda suggested that the first thing we ought to do was to consult the manual. I feigned interest in doing so, and she could tell that I didn't think it would matter, so she went a head and read the manual to which she offered two suggestions. First, that we should get out the power sprayer and spray it all down and make sure nothing was clogging, or obstructing anything. Second, we ought to change the oil. We hemmed and hawed about who would go out and do as she suggested, and again, she could tell, my heart wasn't in it. So she said that she would.

Jokingly, I told her that if she got it started, she could spend the $50 we would have spent on the neighbor kid and the repair shop on anything she wanted.

Well, you probably guessed it. She sprayed it down and fired it up. As the lawnmower hummed, she held up her hands - gesturing a "5" and "0." And then blew me a kiss as she commenced mowing the lawn.

My only consolation in all of this is that I didn't have to mow the lawn.


Amy B. said...

Your master plan from the beginning is starting to work...Brenda mowing the lawn and taking care of things....Waaaa Haaaa Haaaa Haaaa...(you know, Rico from hannah montana)

lehiharmers said...

Way to go Brenda.
I am now the offical mower in our family. After I kept complaining to Mike about how he gets the little grass clippings in the flower bed when he mows, he suggested I do it the next time and see if I could do better. Then I got my own leaf blower for Mother's Day. Mike hasn't mowed the lawn all summer!

Brenda said...

Women...hear us roar!

Justin said...

I am still trying to get Holly to take a stab at mowing. Maybe I can feign my lawn mower not working.

The wife in our neighbor's family regularly mows the lawn and one day one of girls remarked, "What is she doing? Moms don't mow the lawn!"