Sunday, August 3, 2008

Cell Phone Bill & Irrational Fears

Yesterday I received our cell phone bill. It was the price expected, but there was one (somewhat) surprise on it. The bill divides the minutes between Alan and I and also shows how many rollover minutes we've accumulated or used. Guess how many minutes I used last month? Bear in mind that we don't use a home phone. Do you have your guess? Drum roll please ... I used 25. Yes, a full 25 minutes for one full month. This would include phone calls to the sitter, my Mom, siblings, neighbors, work, etc, etc. (I should clarify that the 25 minutes does not include mobile to mobile calls between Alan and I which add an additional 14 whole minutes.) I pay $50 a month for my portion of the phone bill, which works out to me paying $2/minute (or $1.28/minute if you include the calls to Alan).

Now if you know me, this probably makes total sense because I really hate using the phone, and this bill simply verifies this fact. I would much rather walk a full block or mile over to a friend's house than pick up the phone to talk to them. Don't ask me why. I'm sure somehow I was psychologically damaged while I was on the phone sometime in my childhood. So if you are a friend, neighbor, sibling or parent of mine, just don't be offended that I haven't called you lately. Because frankly I haven't called anyone. My guess is that 24 of those 25 minutes are from other people calling me (which for some reason, I have no problem with - weird I know). It's not that I don't care, I just have some crazy fear that I have a hard time overcoming. Just remember that I talk to all of you more than I talk to my own husband. And yes, I am considering laying down $200 for an iphone and an extra $30/month for the multimedia package. Where's the sanity? And just to make me feel better, do you have any irrational fears or behaviors?

Update as of 8/7/08: Okay, I knew the number 25 looked way to low! AT&T had emailed me with my phone bill and when I logged in to their website to see my bill, that's when I saw the 25 (and 14) minutes. Now, I did think this number was crazy low (hence the posting), but knowing my background, still somewhat believable. We'll yesterday I got the actual bill in the mail. My minutes used were realistically higher (about 170 minutes). I put 2 and 2 together and determined that when I logged into our cell phone account it showed me this month's minutes, not last month's. Boy do I feel sheepish. The point still stands though . . . I am not a texter nor a talker.


Holly said...

Nope, no irrational fears here. :)

Are you a texter? 25 minutes seems unbelievable!

Brenda said...

I'm not a texter either. I just took texting off my phone because I only used about 5 text messages a month.

lehiharmers said...

hmm...where do i start?
ok, i am totally OCD on garbage day.
i need to make sure EVERYTHING is out of the house, it's as if they may never come again. even a long qtip must be walked outside to ensure it is OUT. during the week, not so much. know like most of my WORST fears? 25 minutes is crazy low.
We are major texters in our house.
We don't talk, we text.

Amy B. said...

25 MINUTES....WOW, I can waste 25 minutes talking about baby poop!!!