Thursday, July 31, 2008

Why I Married My Husband

I've been a little bit distant at home the past few days, so yesterday Alan came home and asked me if I "was okay". I replied, "yes". Then to show him that I really was okay, I grabbed the spray bottle I was using to wet Caylee's hair with and turned the nozzle to "jet". He asked if I really wanted to do that (noticing what I was doing), and warned me that I would know what was to follow. Feeling up to the challenge, I turned it on him and started spraying. I got quite a few good shots in before he could make it across the bed. He then proceeded to drag me outside where we have a hose with a sprayer hooked up to the house. I'm screaming and laughing the whole way out and our kids are all entranced and the scene before them (although this is not a new scene for them).

Little did we know that the neighbors were out. Actually, it was a young family house sitting for our neighbors. The father was mowing the lawn and promptly stopped. His poor little kids (probably about 5 and 3) watched in shock and Alan and I proceeded to fight over the outside sprayer as I continued to spray him with the little indoor sprayer. The poor neighbor didn't know whether to call the police or just stand there and gawk. A few minutes later we both walked inside soaked. This is why I love my husband. He's not afraid of a little fun and looking crazy in front of the neighbors.

1 comment:

Carrie and Jon said...

I love it! We did the same thing the other day- but with all of our nieces and nephews and my parents. Isn't it so fun to just be crazy sometimes?!