Sunday, July 20, 2008

Gardner Reunion

On Saturday, the Gardner side was over a family reunion. This included Alan's 3 siblings and most of their kids (all but the Trentman girls who are getting older and have summer jobs). We spent the first half of the day at the nearby Jensen Park playing games and just sitting around chatting. But once the heat hit in the afternoon, things moved over to our house and a great balloon water fight ensued. It was fun to watch everyone get involved, except the married women, my 7 month old niece, Aliyah, (whom I got to meet for the first time) and Grandma D. Only a few tears from the little ones, but it was well worth it. I think all of the kids had fun together.

A big thank you needs to go out to my sister-in-law Laralee who on Friday took over on the kids and spoiled them by taking them to of all places - McDonalds, and then on Saturday spoiling me with a yummy DQ shake.

It was fun to see everyone again, although it would be nice to have a little bit longer to spend together. I felt like the sisters and in-laws still needed to do some pampering and slumber partying together - pedicures and late night talking. But alas I was much to tired for all of that, and not everyone brought overnight bags, so maybe next time...

The girls were able to spend the night in the basement with their cousin Kristen, who is just a few months older. It's fun to watch them play together. This morning I walked into the bathroom where they were all painting their nails and putting on perfume.


Holly said...

Didn't you just have surgery on Friday and weren't you given Dr's orders to recover for a week??? And you have company the next day... I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you just wouldn't be you if you took it easy and milked it for a little while.

Glad you had a good time anyhow.

trentmans said...

Thanks, Alan and Brenda, for letting us crash at your house! It was a great time had by all! Laralee and Jaron

Amy B. said...

We saw you guys having a great time in your shady back yard...I'm glad all went well and your niece is adorable, I saw her at church.