Ok, when I first started this blog, I only told Alan about it, and so the information in the second posting about the pregnancy thing was just for him. Before I could take it out, I told my neighbor Amy (an avid blogger) that I started a blog and she of course had to know right then and there what the address was, so I told her. Well, by the time I got back to the blog that evening, she had already read the post about the secretive things in my life and so, I thought I would just leave that information there. (I'm really bad at leaving people guessing about me).
Here's the low down of the pregnancy test:
1) I had been feeling awfully nauseous and dizzy for a full week. The symptoms were very consistent with my prior pregnancies. Only here's the thing, Alan and I are not supposed to be able to have more kids . So, I shrugged the nausea off until...
2) I was late. Like 5 days late. This is very unusual for me, so my wheels started churning... what if?
3) I was so sick one afternoon that I just knew I had to be pregnant. So, off I drove to Walgreen's after dropping CDE off at scouts and activity days. I went to grab my purse, when I realized, I didn't have it. Shoot. With gas prices the way they are, I didn't want to drive all the way back home and back out. I looked through my change in the car. Fox and I counted $7.51. Would it be enough? (I figured at $6.99, I would have just enough). We walked in to Walgreens my pants barely hanging on my behind, because it was full of nickels, quarters and pennies, only to find the pregnancy tests were $7.99. Arghh! Since Smith's is right across the street, I determine they just might have a cheaper test. Fox is now whining that he's thirsty and wants to go home, but I persue. To no avail. Same price at Smith's. I drive back home just in time to pick up the kids from their activities, but I can't let this go. I NEED to know if I'm pregnant. I drive back to Smith's, with 4 kids in tow and use the excuse that we need some french bread for dinner. I purchase my test and head back home. Heading straight to the bathroom, I quickly open the package and...
4) There's no need for it.
Okay, now you know more than you would ever want to know.
Still one question...
Did you feel a huge sense of relief or were you a little bummed?
Holly - as per your question, I think I felt a little of both feelings. Being pregnant right now would turn our world upside down, but I can't say that it would upset me. If it did happen, we would definitely need to have twins so that the last child wouldn't be lonely being 7-8 years younger than the others!
Hilarious! I'm happy/sad for you. Though bragging rights for a single, a double and a triple all in one family.. could've been fun!!!!!
You're a great story teller... loved the part about the pants hanging down because of all the change in the pockets. Just imagining it gave me a great laugh! Thanks!
Fun idea this blogging thing. More power to you for keeping it up. I know I couldn't do it. Hope your trip to the reunion is fun. The yard is shaping up nicely.
You always make me laught when I read your posts...Thanks
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