Monday, June 9, 2008

Finally Inspired

Okay, this only took me several years and much prodding from friends and family, but here it is...a working blog. Yes, we've (ie. Alan) tried blogs/family websites before...

1) Back in 1999 (9 years ago?!) we had a website that we kept up on from the time CDE were born until Alan got a new job, and we relocated from Logan to my mom's house in Layton. I have a copy of the website in the kids' scrapbooks. Fun to look back at.

2) Back in 2004?, we had a website which was full of family news and events but was locked behind a password. Again, I have a copy of some of the postings - it was formated like a newsletter and was terrific (but again, too short lived).

3) A blog we started in mid-2007 that I think has 5-10 total posts/photos, but nobody is able to make comments and it has become rather lame because of the lack of activity on it.

Each of these sites went the way of many things around our household - discarded because it got in the way of other things. In both cases, I (Brenda) never quite had the desire to learn how to update the sites, and thus it always fell in Alan's lap - but I think I'm ready.

So, get ready blogging world - here come the Gardners'!


Unknown said...

This blogging thing sounds great. I know Alan is so dedicated to his cartoon blog site...but he doesn't share his personal life to much it will be fun to keep up with your family this way. As for you revealing your deepest thought..hey if if means sharing that hypothetically or realistincly your pregnant..Kool..& congrad (If you were to post the new). You and Alan are great parents. It would hurt to have more of you guys in this world.

Anyway the garden path looks great. We'd love to take some off you hands, but it's too bad we are coming down before you tomatos are ready to harvest.

Have fun in Minnesota, we'll see you all in July

TDC said...
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Alan said...

It would hurt to have more of you guys in this world.

I REALLY hope you meant that it WOULDN'T hurt to have more people like Brenda and I in the world. :)

Unknown said...

Sorry for the Typo. Definitely would not hurt to have more of ya-all!